Senior Director, Movement Communications Wikimedia Foundation
Favourite Star Trek Quote:: The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other. - Captain James T. Kirk Timezone: I generally answer during UTC -1 daytime
Trekkie, journalist, failed computer-scientist, communicator, campaigner and organiser. I have worked for a range of global humanitarian and international development organisations in the past and lived or worked in over 20 countries around the world. My travels mostly took me to the parts that most tourists never reach - so always feel free to ask me about the beauty of Lake Turkana, Thái Nguyên province, Muratella, Naogaon or more.
Conversations with me always involve Star Trek or other sci-fi references. I have been part of the movement since 2007 as a reader, regular donor and contributor.
Exoneración de responsabilidad
Trabajo o presto servicios a la Fundación Wikimedia, y esta es la cuenta que intento usar para las ediciones o declaraciones que hago en esa función. Sin embargo, la Fundación no examina toda mi actividad y las ediciones, declaraciones u otras contribuciones realizadas por esta cuenta pueden no reflejar las opiniones de la Fundación.